Below is the contents list of chapters. It is divided into four main sections.

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Safety is a priority for everyone and leaders embed a culture of openness and collaboration. People are always safe and protected from bullying, harassment, avoidable harm, neglect, abuse and discrimination. Their liberty is protected where this is in their best interests and in line with legislation.

Learning culture

Safe systems, pathways and transitions


Involving people to manage risks

Safe environments

Safe and effective staffing

Infection prevention and control

Medicines optimisation


People and communities have the best possible outcomes because their needs are assessed. Their care, support and treatment reflects these needs and any protected equality characteristics. Services work in harmony, with people at the centre of their care. Leaders instil a culture of improvement, where understanding current outcomes and exploring best practice is part of everyday work.

Assessing needs

Delivering evidence-based care and treatment

How staff, teams and services work together

Supporting people to live healthier lives

Monitoring and improving outcomes

Consent to care and treatment


People are always treated with kindness, empathy and compassion. They understand that they matter and that their experience of how they are treated and supported matters. Their privacy and dignity is respected. Every effort is made to take their wishes into account and respect their choices, to achieve the best possible outcomes for them. This includes supporting people to live as independently as possible.

Kindness, compassion and dignity

Treating people as individuals

Independence, choice and control

Responding to people’s immediate needs

Workforce wellbeing and enablement


People are always treated with kindness, empathy and compassion. They understand that they matter and that their experience of how they are treated and supported matters. Their privacy and dignity is respected. Every effort is made to take their wishes into account and respect their choices, to achieve the best possible outcomes for them. This includes supporting people to live as independently as possible.

Person-centred care

Care provision, integration, and continuity

Providing information

Listening to and involving people

Equity in access

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Planning for the future


There is an inclusive and positive culture of continuous learning and improvement. This is based on meeting the needs of people who use services and wider communities, and all leaders and staff share this. Leaders proactively support staff and collaborate with partners to deliver care that is safe, integrated, person-centred and sustainable, and to reduce inequalities.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Freedom to speak up

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Governance, management and sustainability

Learning, improvement and innovation